24 hour service from us



Business Hire

We provide dedicated car hire, van hire and minibus hire services to businesses, organisations large & small, non-government organisations, charities, the United Nations agencies life WFP, UNICEF, UNDP etc, government agencies, the US army and US navy.

We’re a premier vehicle hire and truck rental company with a range of car, vans, trucks and minibus rental options in a number of destinations and tough to-do places including in Djibouti, The Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Ghana, Tanzania, Burundi, DRC, CAR, Niger, Chad etc.

We provide Africa-wide coverage and offer a range of self drive cars, vans, trucks and minibuses. We have well over 15 years’ experience in the car rental market in a number of rental destinations. Our car, van, trucks, minivans and minibus services match every business requirement. We offer organisations a tailored vehicle rental solution for long term and short term rental needs.

We shall discuss your corporate car hire needs, set up a corporate vehicle rental account for you, allocate you a dedicated corporate account manager to ascertain that your fleet rental requirements are always met promptly and professionally.

Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Watsapp: +256.772.788.426

(Click on any country to view more information)   We are working hard to see that more countries are added to this list